Spiegel & McDiarmid LLP has co-authored with the National Association of Local Government Environmental Professionals (NALGEP) a new NALGEP publication entitled Cultivating Green Energy on Brownfields: A Nuts and Bolts Primer for Local Governments. Per NALGEP,
[t]his primer offers local governments a starting point for considering whether (and what) renewable energy facilities may be appropriate for local brownfield sites. It includes an overview of renewable energy options, tools for navigating the economic issues that determine project feasibility, information on the permitting, zoning, liability and other regulatory issues that affect the development of renewable energy projects on these sites, and suggestions for ways to promote the development of renewable energy on brownfield sites. Case examples, presented throughout the primer, demonstrate the success of existing policies and renewable energy projects operating on brownfields. The primer’s appendix provides a list of resources for more information on developing a renewable energy project on a brownfield.
You can access a PDF of the full report from NALGEP’s website.